Thursday, November 15, 2007

Changing Boxes

I looked at Technorati and discovered 9,149 results for Learning 2.0 in Blog search. It even breaks them down on a per day basis with graph. But the blog directory put this 15th on the top blogs list, and a lot of these were about Web 2.0. The tags could be as specific as Web 2.0 or a vague as Internet, and I wonder how many decades of thousands the last as a tag would produce. Obviously 2.0 is the way to go. Library 2.0 talks about 'constant change in a development cycle' rather than upgrades. Upgrades are about monuments that get refinished. This exercise really spoke to me because one reason I'm moving house is to be closer to my church. (St. Peter's Eastern Hill, Melbourne: fantastic 16th century music, try it, you'll like it). The ideas of 2.0 for the library relate equally to the church: simplicity, interactivity, user participation, collective intelligence, self-service, new and re-identified content. And access to Everything!!! The Anglican national synod recently empowered 'free expressions', a way to 'take our services to the patrons'. It's about getting integrated into 'daily patterns of work, study, and play'. And adapting to 'radical, fundamental change' in people everywhere. My house, needless to say, is about to radically change: next week. Keep you posted.

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