Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Achieved Something, I'm Not Sure What

Sorry, folks, I thought I achieved something, but now Blogger tells me it can't accept my html from LibraryThing because one letter is missing. Why didn't it tell me that in the first place? I set up a nice account and added some books to it, and was all set to copy and paste to this blog, but all that happened was the html came across, looked like it printed out, and then failed. These are the disappointments of the Net. Where was I to put this html? In a box? What box? Where? I DID look at the image generators, honest. They had a strong appeal to young teenage boys, I thought. Given that I couldn't get the html from LibraryThing across, I fear I have failed this section also. It's like Mount Everest. I know it's there. Rollyo, will no doubt be of use to those who like total control. Search boxes within search boxes. How much information are we in fact handing over to large corporations as we roll?

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

Don't ever think you are have just learn a big downfall about the software you are using. It's not you failure, but the softwares.

You have tried...and that's the most important part.
Regard the exercise as being completed
