Friday, October 5, 2007

Better Boxes

RSS feeds are like boxes within boxes. From packing so many boxes inside boxes, I can see how useful this will be in that distant day when I master this technology. For the moment, Bloglines won't let me add the public URL because it's telling me to do something strange with javascript instead of just adding the URL with no nonsense. It also turns out that the Age newspaper apparently has no RSS feed although there it seems to sit on the Age website. I conclude that Bloglines hasn't moved house yet effectively, and I'm still playing with boxes. Mainly boxes that are supposed to have URL's in them. Still, I have benefitted by knowing that RSS feeds exist and what they do, although the BBC World News feed is likely to provide more news over the next 24 hours than I'm likely to read in a lifetime. Back to real-life boxes. I have just packed all the videotapes, a reminder of what happens to technology and how fast it ages.

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