Thursday, October 11, 2007

House Boxes

Wow, I have managed to create a yahoo account and a flickr account and I think I downloaded a picture. I was going to add this nice picture of a box-type house in San Francisco to this blog, but alas I see no way to upload it. Nevertheless two very strong guys arrived at my house today and took away two rooms of furniture, about 50 pictures (seriously addicted to consumption; that's two a year), and another 30 boxes or so. Plus the contents of 3 sheds and one garage. You would not believe how strong they are. I can't even shove this stuff along the floor, and they just pick it up and haul it out the door! I hear they're weightlifters in their off hours: for recreation and a change from houses. I shall now return to Flickr and see if I can work out how to show you this very interesting, box-style, warehouse view of San Francsico, where I come from (why I am in Australia is a long story). I chose this house-box-warehouse because that's what my house has become: a warehouse. Don't hold your breath. I know the picture's on my computer somewhere, but that doesn't mean it's going anywhere.

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